Katarzyna Osuch-Bukowska

Katarzyna Osuch-Bukowska

I am Director of Engineering with 18 years of experience in IT specializing in building and running Agile development teams in various industries: transportation, finance and banking, sports betting, hospitality, supply chain. Before entering the leadership path, I worked for many years as a software developer. I am a strong advocate of setting the standards for engineering excellence and promoting best practices. Flexible in approach, I successfully combine corporate and start-up experience.

Day 2, 11:50

Breaking Silos With InnerSource

InnerSource adopts OpenSource practices to code and helps reduce dependencies between development teams, break silos, as well as increases knowledge-sharing within the company. This approach can increase agility in your organization and take it to the next level.

During this session, I will present a real example of InnerSource implementation among 12 Agile teams in a department of over 100 software engineers at Grand Parade. Based on this experience, I will also highlight pros & cons of this practice - in what context InnerSource works and where it should be avoided.

I am Director of Engineering with 18 years of experience in IT specializing in building and running Agile development teams in various industries: transportation, finance and banking, sports betting, hospitality, supply chain. Before entering the leadership path, I worked for many years as a software developer. I am a strong advocate of setting the standards for engineering excellence and promoting best practices. Flexible in approach, I successfully combine corporate and start-up experience.

Day 2, 11:50

Breaking Silos With InnerSource

InnerSource adopts OpenSource practices to code and helps reduce dependencies between development teams, break silos, as well as increases knowledge-sharing within the company. This approach can increase agility in your organization and take it to the next level.

During this session, I will present a real example of InnerSource implementation among 12 Agile teams in a department of over 100 software engineers at Grand Parade. Based on this experience, I will also highlight pros & cons of this practice - in what context InnerSource works and where it should be avoided.

About DevConf

From the very beginning we've been focused on people, not on companies. Being developers ourselves we thrive to provide the ultimate experience that will be remembered. We'd like to connect awesome speakers with the willing-to-learn-and-share community. It's not only about sessions - it's also about meeting with like-minded people - it can result in great ideas, is that right?

DevConf Team


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