Antonio Cobo

Antonio Cobo

Antonio is an Agile enthusiast with more than 20 years experience in the IT industry and Agile methodologies. He comes from a technical background, moving to different roles in 3 different countries. He usually speaks about Agile, DevOps and Mental Health across Europe and US.

Day 1, 13:40

Lessons Learned After More Than 20 Years Working In IT

When you arrive at a point in life when you have work colleagues whose dads are in the same age bracket than you, it’s time to reflect on the beginning of your career and think all the learning you have cumulated and all the advice you would have loved to hear on each stage of your professional career.

For each stage of my career, I will share with you the things I learned the hard way, so you don’t have to follow the same path full of dragons. I will cover my time as Junior Dev, Senior Dev, Team Lead, Project Manager and Agile & Transformation Consultant.

Antonio is an Agile enthusiast with more than 20 years experience in the IT industry and Agile methodologies. He comes from a technical background, moving to different roles in 3 different countries. He usually speaks about Agile, DevOps and Mental Health across Europe and US.

Day 1, 13:40

Lessons Learned After More Than 20 Years Working In IT

When you arrive at a point in life when you have work colleagues whose dads are in the same age bracket than you, it’s time to reflect on the beginning of your career and think all the learning you have cumulated and all the advice you would have loved to hear on each stage of your professional career.

For each stage of my career, I will share with you the things I learned the hard way, so you don’t have to follow the same path full of dragons. I will cover my time as Junior Dev, Senior Dev, Team Lead, Project Manager and Agile & Transformation Consultant.

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From the very beginning we've been focused on people, not on companies. Being developers ourselves we thrive to provide the ultimate experience that will be remembered. We'd like to connect awesome speakers with the willing-to-learn-and-share community. It's not only about sessions - it's also about meeting with like-minded people - it can result in great ideas, is that right?

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